Dear Future Athletes,

Take Control of Your Health!

Investing in your health is priceless. Don’t waste anymore time hoping things will change. Instead, sign-up with 310 S&C and take control of your health with a custom strength & conditioning program. Invest your hard earned money in something specially designed to meet your needs and receive individual attention to help you towards accomplishing your fitness goals!

Let's Talk Price Tag

Personal Training


In-person sessions 3x/week

3-month Training Program

$25.00 per session rate
Get rewarded for your commitment and save 50% when you sign up for our 3-month training program that requires a 3-session/week workout plan.
In-person sessions 2x/week

3-month Training Program

~$40.00 per session rate
Get rewarded for your commitment and save ~20% when you sign up for our 3-month training program that requires a 2-session/week workout plan.
$200 +
In-person sessions 1/2/3 times per week

Monthly Training Programs

$50.00 per session rate
No contract required to participate in any of our training programs. Schedule 1, 2, or 3 workouts per week and work with our coaches to build a program that fits your wants and needs.
$100 +
Up to 7 days of Programming

Online Training

$25-50 per week
Get your training done on your own time! Work with a coach to help build a program that fits your schedule. In addition, you will have access to a whole library of videos that will help you crush your workouts and recover properly before your next training session.

What Do You Get?

Custom Training Plan

Nutrition Coaching

True Coach access (online training platform)

Weekly Check-in (In-person & Online training)

Form Checks (Online training ONLY!)

Learn More

*310 Strength & Conditioning Pricing Information
The above pricing and savings describes the standard rates per session and potential savings on long-term, prepay training programs. 
To learn more about what it will take to start your new training program, schedule your free intro today!
Schedule Your Free Intro