Fitness Assessment

Where Do I Start?

  • It’s an awful feeling not being where you want to be or where you think you are supposed to be. This exact feeling is what could be preventing you from taking your first steps towards change.
  • If you have never taken part in a custom training program, it is very likely you have felt this at some point in your life, or maybe you feel it now.
  • The question, “Where Do I  Start?” can be answered by taking part in a Fitness Assessment.

What Is a Fitness Assessment?

  • A Fitness Assessment is a 45-minute training session that gives us a chance to meet you as a potential athlete and learn as much as we can to help you start on the right path.
  • Some of the topics we touch on include:
    • Basic Health Information: height, weight, age, activity level (1-5, sedentary to very active)
    • Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)
    • Exercise & Training History
    • Goal Setting
  • From here, we move to the exercise segment of the session. At 310 Strength & Conditioning, we focus on 3 area of fitness:

 Aerobic capacity- how efficient your body is delivering oxygenated blood to your muscles and the ability of your muscles to use oxygen to produce energy.

 Muscle endurance- the ability of your muscles to exert force, consistently and through repetitive movements, over a period of time.

  Stability and Coordination- your ability to control your body’s center of mass through complex movement patterns and achieve a desired result.


What To Do Next?

Finally, we end our session with a discussion on what type of program is best for you, based on your goals and fitness testing results.

Establish Your Baseline-> Identify Strengths & Weaknesses-> Set A Goal-> Build Your Program


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